Charlie's Bird

living the dream with Charlie and Thandi and chirping all the way back to the nest.

Archive for August, 2015

Mixed pleasures

…it was a mixed weekend. A bit of work, a bit of running, a bit of family time, a bit of social time.

Work was reasonable, only 1 baby who weighed an enormous 4.6kg (!) and a few minor problems. I ran another night trail run, didn’t place this time though, and then ran a training run yesterday, which didn’t go as well as planned, flip, my tummy woes are being restrictive at the moment!

On Saturday we celebrated an anniversary with the couple from Stuttgart, their 12th; but how cool is this, it was also both their parents’ 40th wedding anniversaries on the same day! So 92 years of wedded bliss was celebrated over a gorgeous meal. They organised a dinner at a local cooking school, the chef provided the kitchen, the ingredients and the recipes, and then under his guidance we created a gorgeous meal! We started with a salad of roasted sweet potatoes, char grilled red peppers served with a creamed lemon ricotta. Good Lord, that was divine! Mains was a gorgeous and spicy chicken curry, served with perfect basmati rice (and I have to say, that in itself is an amazing achievement!). Dessert, well, that was just ridiculous, a white chocolate and apricot bread and butter pudding.

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If only

…I had time to do a proper post today, but I don’t, sorry. What I do want to do, is send you to read my beautiful friend’s post over on her blog, she writes incredibly…


Light blue Thursday

…I am so annoyed! Thursday is often my favourite day, and I was super chuffed that today I would start at the local state hospital for my monthly clinic there, all started well, but by the end of my clinic I had a raging headache. I finished early, so got to do a quick trawl of the antique and second hand stores of our town, but didn’t enjoy it as much as usual. And that’s not even looking at how they have all pushed their prices up hideously in the last little while! Anyway, back the office now, ready to tackle the waiting room of patients, or not, as the case may be, and a sneaky appointment with the local chiropractor to manipulate my gynaecologist’s neck back into submission, and hopefully ease this headache…

Regular happy thoughts will resume tomorrow!

Faking it

…’til I make it. I’m tired, but I am determined to keep this smile on my face, and let the good mood filter into my being. I’m not sure why I feel tired, although I do have quite a bit of stress going on at the moment and I maybe went to bed a bit later than I should have yesterday, but when there is work to be done, emails to be answered, tv to be watched ( is anyone else loving Madame Secretary and State of Affairs as much as I am?), games to be played, books to be read to be reviewed, needs must and sleep is sacrificed!

So in the food and exercise routine, 10km run yesterday morning and then a good day’s eating, followed by a dinner of Courgetti Bolognaise, (using my new (quite tricky) spiraliser, but which did make quite long, almost slurpable courgette noodles). Yum! This evening I will run the local 5km time trial, weather dependant, and it does look a bit ominous sadly.


…Ah, the weekend was just incredible! From the little road trip, to the massage, to the lodge, the rhinos, the beauty, the food and my company! I love my Charlie!

330Mamma Rhino and her 9 month old calf.

334 Daddy Rhino

335Close up on Dad Rhino, who has been dehorned (in January 2015)

363 Big brother Rhino

427 Walking the Dunes!

459 An isolated wintery beach, my best!

In an aside, after a bad week of really crappy motivation, terrible eating, too much wine, the time has come! I laced up my tackies this morning and hit the road for a good run this morning, I’m feeling strong and motivated! Lets do this, and let’s drop the weight too! Hoohaa!

Fhew, it’s

…Friday! Flappy dance of foolishness! Flip, it’s been a freakishly long flipping week! (did my English geek friends pick up on the onomatopoeia there, huh? I frock!)

Anyway, enough frivolity, for this weekend I am whisking Charlie away for a night at a exclusive little lodge/boutique hotel magafta thing, which looks amazing! So while the peasants are revolting, we will be sipping a delicious alcohol containing beverage, having a massage, a game drive and a bit of an all round pamper! And some all important grown up time! We haven’t had some one on one time for quite a while now, and I am really looking forward to reconnecting with him. Isn’t it crazy how just some precious time begins to feel indulgent, when really it’s a necessity? Thanditinks is going to have a visit with her Dawny and Pops, an afternoon with Aunty HN and a sleep over at besty Charlotte’s. And then before we have rubbed the sleep out of our eyes, we will be back for an awesome Sunday afternoon! (Nyamazela, I still haven’t made your Guatemalan delight, I might just prep that for Sunday evening’s feast! Yum!)

Anyway, I need to settle down and focus now, so have great weekends, my peeps!

My HT Ode

… 2 weeks ago I was confirmed to be menopausal, so 9 days ago I slapped on a hormone patch and waited. the first night I saw no real difference, the second was a little better, and by the third night I was so much better and happier! My night sweats are almost completely resolved (except when I drink a bit too much wine) and I can sleep again! If you have never had a night sweat or a hot flush you will never understand what I am talking about, but oh my word, I had no idea how awful it could be until it happened to me! I also had no idea how bad it really was, and how poor my sleep really was until I got the magic muti and am now feeling so much more normal! I’m also feeling a bit happier and a bit more energetic (not that you could tell from the lack of running) at last! Given all the hype and all the drama about hormone therapy and the ‘risks’, I can tell you, I’ll take them, the improvement in my life quality is indescribably good!

Happy Birthday Charlie!

…hey, the boy is celebrating today! So cool! We’re doing a quick lunch with Thandi today, then this evening a low key supper with some old mates of his, should be fun! If I survive this day at the office first!

My husband is the best, better than all the rest!

With him, my life is whimsical and ever so musical.

In Thandi’s eyes, he is so wise

And silly and billy and silly!

He’s good at DIY, with only an occasional “Oh my!”

So much fun to be with, no hint of a tiff!

I love my Charlie, my very own grizzly!

Weekend works

…really wasn’t so bad. I managed a gym session on Friday afternoon, a run on Sunday morning, and had no deliveries after dark! Yay! Now to get through tonight, and hopefully all of Charlie’s birthday celebration preparations.

We had some beautiful weather this weekend, in fact Saturday was decidedly hot and berg windish, which isn’t much fun, but hey, and it was good to get some fresh air! A friend has opened a local coffee shop, and we had a lovely breakfast there on Sunday, sitting in the gardens at one of the oldest nurseries in town, enjoying the bird life, the sunshine and the coffee! All yum! Well, not the birdlife, I didn’t have pigeon pie for breakfast, but the omelette and the coffee were delicious! So if you’re in  my neck of the woods, look out for the French inspired café at the floral nursery!

Friday dreaming

…of all things foodie! I have a developing project that I will share with you in time, but bear with me while I muse over things food related! I am snacking on a piece of delicious fresh guava while thinking of ways to use it in a new way. Any suggestions? I’m thinking ice cream…

The weekend on call lies ahead, and next week heralds Charlie’s birthday, so I have a bit of plotting and planning to get to! Next weekend I am taking him away for a night, we desperately need just some one-on-one time, and it will be great! Men just are not the easiest to shop for, so it’s tricky finding him a gift. I can’t tell you what I have already planned, because he reads this, so it will all have to wait until Tuesday!

Hope you all have wonderful and relaxing weekends!