Charlie's Bird

living the dream with Charlie and Thandi and chirping all the way back to the nest.

Archive for December, 2021


…ah, as the sun sets on Christmas Day, I am left with melancholic nostalgia. My first Christmas as an orphan, and while my little family tried hard, I was brittle and am now regretful. And all I want to do is pick up the phone, dial the unforgettable number of my parents’ phone and have a good old natter with my Dawny. I want to tell her about the cute ceramic reindeer I found at the little shop in the corner of that centre, yes, the shop that always smells so nice. I’d gone in to look for a gift for my sister- in-law, you see, and they caught my eye, and I had to spoil myself, because I could see them posing so nicely on my Christmas table. And I want to tell her that I defrosted the Christmas cake that we never got to last year, and I forgot to slice it and serve it – again! But that I know I’ll have a piece tomorrow with a cup of tea, that it stayed so nice and moist, and I doctored it again with some brandy after it came out the freezer. I want to tell her that lunch was nice, but not as nice as when she made it, and that I wish I had a hostess trolley like she’d had, to keep things warm, and that not having a warming drawer with my oven is a definite negative. That I should have gotten one when I replaced the oven. I wish I could tell you that Thandi is just like me – head stuck in book, desperate to be grown up, but still wanting to be a little girl. That she got a new bike, and because I was called back to the hospital, I couldn’t have a ride with her, so I’m going to make some time to do that tomorrow. And that I wonder what I’ll do with the left overs? If it’ll just be gammon sandwiches or maybe I’ll make a pasta?

And I want to tell her that I miss her and Pops so much, and everything seems so flat with out them. And I wish I could have one more Christmas with them, and then another, and another. It’s damn hard without them. And tonight I am very sad, and yes, I promise I’ll count to 10, and take a deep breath and smile. And yes, I know, tomorrow is another day.

Merry Christmas, hope your memories have been sweet today…


… my fish has made the provincial team! Whoop! What a champ! Now, to get her back in the pool and training for this next milestone – her first interprovincial gala. Thandigirl, you make my heart want to burst out of my chest, with love and pride and anticipation over all the amazing things you will achieve!


…finally the screws in Thandi’s ankle have been unscrewed! After more than a year, the surrendered themselves to the screwdriver welded by her surgeon, and without too much fuss, they are out! Even he was astounded by how much she has grown since he put them in, it was quite something seeing where they original scars were, and then seeing where the screw was sitting above it! Anyway, I am back at the office and Charlie has just messaged that they have been discharged and are heading home. (5 hours since she was admitted! Isn’t modern medicine amazing!)

I am sprinting around at work, its all a bit chaotic! But, the weekend off is almost here, before my marathon sprint to the 28th of December, which will start on Monday, no doubt. Enjoy your weekends!

Getting on

…with it! This month feels like it is both lingering and racing by. At least I think I am more or less on top of my Christmas planning. I still am not sure if we will do an Eve dinner or a day lunch, but, that’s a minor detail. 90% of the gifts are done, but the rest involve baking, some of which starts today, but the big ones are done.

The weekend was busy for Thandi – she swam a gala – and competed in 8 events. 5 silvers, 2 golds (in her team relay) and a 5th place – she was tired for that one. Once again, our silly municipality will not allow spectators at the gala, which is beyond frustrating – its an open air pool the grandstand is huge and it wouldn’t be hard to screen and only allow the vaccinated in; and actually, the government regulations allow it! Fortunately Charlie is an official – and even though he only time keeps one session, managed to talk his way into the other 3 sessions. Nice for me to get up to date reports, photos and videos at least. We should hear shortly if Thandi has made the selection for the provincial team for nationals. I’m not sure what the criteria are, but if she is, it’s off to Oudtshoorn in January.

I managed to get lots of admin done while they were at the pool and relished a bit of quiet time. I’ve finally gotten into Downton Abbey, so I was doing some embroidery with that on in the background. Ooh, I do love depictions of that time. I am convinced I was born at the wrong time. Love the pomp, love the clothes, love some of the simplicity. I know I would miss some things, but you can’t miss something you’ve never been exposed to, and I often think we have made our life so complicated with all the modern conveniences. Oh, well, I live vicariously for now.

Anyway, I know everyone is starting to slow down for Christmas, but I will be posting here periodically. Hope you are all relaxing into the season.


…pants! Thandi has really done well! A gold academic award (awarded for an average of over 86%, given that she got 100% for a few of her exams, I am hoping it was average over 96%!) and an award for music exams – she scored a distinction! As always, a very proud Momma!


…tired. In a story I’ve told 1000 times before, I am exhausted. A combination of a stressful weekend, not enough sleep, not enough exercise and too many responsibilities have all caught up with me.

I have 2 staff confirmed with Covid, 1 in quarantine and another going for testing today. The girls are all falling down. This despite us all being vaccinated and having had our boosters. Bloody virus. I hate it.

Thandi has a tummy bug, thankfully not that virus, but she is not a happy kid, tummy cramps yesterday and some diarrhoea.

But enough moaning, today I got up early and had a run, I have started my day on the right note, so I am sure that things will improve!

The weekend was super busy; between dancing shows, ballet recitals and nippers commitments, Thandi kept us on our toes. In the great news from the weekend – she scored some awards! For Nippers she won 3 awards – Top /10 girl still water, Top girl still water, John Breetzke cup for commitment and dedication. At her ballet recital – which was lovely – she got her exam results – a merit (for a girl who only attended 50% of the lessons!) and she was awarded a picture prize for being the most focused dancer. A lovely recognition of her commitment to all the activities she takes part in and her tenacity to always improve. Yay for an awesome kid!

The tap and modern show was also a triumph, I was so impressed with everything that she performed in! Lots of fun and big spontaneous smiles!

Today is her school prize giving, so, we are excited to see what awards come her way there!