Charlie's Bird

living the dream with Charlie and Thandi and chirping all the way back to the nest.

Archive for November, 2010

Day 87

…and this afternoon we are off to the mothercity for tomorrow we scan. I’m feeling quite relaxed about the whole thing, which is different to anything else related to the pregnancy, so I guess that’s a good thing. I suppose I’m of the atitude that, given everything we have been through already I can’t believe that any other complications could arise now. Maybe that’s naive, but hey. I’m also really looking forward to catching up with my old CT friends, a taste of old times!

The arm is behaving itself, it’s not too sore, and I have only needed 4 paracetamols in total, so that’s not bad. While the sling is hot and uncomfortable, and rubbing my neck raw, its better than a cast, so I am grateful for that. And the novelty of time off is still there, so I’m not quite bored yet, but everyday I realise more and more what a disability it is.

Anyway, I mst go and attempt to pack, with Nox’s help, I’ll be back blogging as soon as I can!

Day 85 or What I did this weekend

…decided I didn’t much like my elbow, so I broke it.

For those who can spot the break, well done, its at the top of the narrow bone on the left. Ouch! And because of tenacious (who is doing fine, I checked, thank heavens), I can use paracetamol only… Anyway, 1 day down. still sore this morning, but I’m coping. Poor Charlie is carrying the can, he’s dressing me, helping me up and down, cooking for me, cutting up my food into bite sized pieces – how sad is that – but he’s being my champion, I’m blessed with this magnificent man!

Day 82

…and its the weekend, baby!

What a relief, this has been a very difficult week, with such potentially sick patients. Its been a bittersweet week, with great clinical decisions, and diagnostics, but tragic outcomes. Our remaining triplet is still fighting for his life, so far, so good, but so small, and such a long journey to make. Please keep baby Caleb in your thoughts.

This weekend is going to be a busy one from a social point of view, double date tonight with friends, farewell tomorrow, birthday party tomorrow too, and then I hope to collapse in a heap! I’m looking forward to doing some catching up with friends, having been away, on call and so busy I feel like I’ve missed out on so much news! Anyway, I still need to get through today, and it’s definitely going to be a busy one, so best I get on with it. Have great days, and brilliant weekends!

Day 81

…and the triplets have delivered. I have been on the go since 01h30, so I am a tad frazzled this morning. Sadly, we have lost 2 of them, and the 3rd is in ICU, hanging in there, but obviously in some grave danger at 23 weeks, weighing 650gm. Spare a thought for grieving,  hopeful parents and grandparents this morning. It’s not an easy journey.

Since I grew a baby in my tummy, I have found it increasingly difficult to maintain my usual exterior calmness with situations like this, and I had to force the control back this morning. Sentimental old softy, me. Knowing that this couple walked the same IVF roads I did, makes it very close to home, and knowing too how many successful triplet pregnancies I have seen and looked after adds to a sense of injustice for this family. Life just ain’t fair, and while I am aware of the living dancing miracle in my belly, God feels somewhat distant today.

Day 80

…and 200 to go! Can hardly believe it.

I am somewhat swamped at work, and need to call on my peeps to spare a thought for a patient, who at 23 weeks is in great danger of losing her triplets. She is in strong preterm labour and isn’t really responding to therapy. She is, in fact, my associate’s patient, but he is away, so I am trying to look after her; the other associate and I have a plan, its a daring, and seldom seen rescue mission, and we are hoping, beyond hope, to save at least one of these precious babies. In this age of miracles, I must believe it is possible.

Day 79

Last night, a dear old friend of mine delivered her second baby girl. Welcome to the world Sara Alison! Hope she brings her mom and dad lots of joy and happiness!

Day 78

…and I am a tired birdie, after an extrememly interuppted night last night with calls from midnight on, I didn’t get too much sleep. I can tell you, I’m not scared of a baby and those sleepless nights. 

The weekend wasn’t too bad work wise, until last night, there was a steady stream of work, nothing too hectic, nothing too dramatic. On friday night, Charlie and I had a mini date night, we ate at the little organic eatery, wow, their food is just so good, I am always blown away by the complexity of flavours,  We both had their calamari starter – delicious! And I had their line fish for mains, while Charlie had their espatada – impressive dish! After an early night, I spend saturday morning at work, and then headed off to a very blustery stork party in the afternoon. In the evening, Charlie made a little braai, and we had some tasty ribs for supper. Sunday after some work, we headed off to lunch with friends C&A, had a great meal with them, spending the afternoon in the shade outdoors – fresh air with minimal wind is good! Then we tried to have a quiet evening, I was feeling quite crampy and uncomfortable, but to no avail, the hospital needed me….

Not much else to report at this stage, I’m just ready for a hopefully quiet evening in front of the box.

Day 75

…and I’m shattered after a long late night delivery. Oy, the staff called me too early, so I had 2 hours hanging around at the hospital between midnight and 02h00, waiting for a baby. And this is the start of a weekend on call… bring on next friday, I say.

So before my call to the hospital, I got 4 christmas presents finished -yay- and now I feel much happier about all of that. Now it’s to get onto the stork party presents (2 coming up in the next little while) and finishing planning the family presents for christmas. Then the run of christmas parties start, 1 december, 2 on 3 december, 4 december, 18 december, and then christmas itself… I can’t bear how this year is just racing away now…

Day 74

…and I’m hearing the inevitable question, what’s happening with Tenacious? Well, tenacious is still hanging in there, he (and that’s just a generic he, we don’t know what it is) has actually grown well and caught up, and we are now on track. Next step here is a scan and various tests in the Mother City (kinda appropriate, don’t you think?) which will be ibn 2 weeks time. I still feel fine, with no symptoms. I’m not going to be talking too much about things until I know we’re ok.

Last night I went to scrapbooking, and worked on some cool christmas pressies. 4 nearly done – yay! Starting to plan the rest of them now, I hope I’ll finish in time! I really thought I was being very proactive this year, but here I find myself with 7 weeks to go, feeling very unprepared – eek! Charlie and I also inevitably do a lot of family hosting, we have the bigger house, so I’m starting to stress a little about all of that, there is going to be a lot on my plate at that time. Anyway, better to plan and be less stressed, than to procrastinate. (goodness, that doesn’t sound like me!) So, any hints and suggestions from you lot?

Day 72

And some promised photographs… Starting with some of the game we saw in the Pilansberg.

There were plenty more animals and pictures, a glimpse of a hippo, poorly lit lion shots, more ellies, but I won’t bore you. Then it was off to the Magaliesburg and our hot air balloon safari…

And then we were up and away!

And there we were back on the ground!

Now I know these are getting a bit boring, but 4 from Golden Gate.

We could see all the way to the Drakensberg…

The red mountains

The famous Brandwag mountain, at the entrance to the park. Beautiful!