Charlie's Bird

living the dream with Charlie and Thandi and chirping all the way back to the nest.

Archive for September, 2023


…there comes a time every year, when a perfect storm of things happen that make me question every fibre of my being. And it is here again. And it is fucking hard.

Not much

…news, not much to say. Actually, probably lots to say, but I’m out of words at the moment. Apologies!

But we are now T-18 days to our departure to Chicago, so planning this trip is in full steam ahead mode.

  • flights – International and domestic booked
  • accommodation booked
  • marathon entry secured
  • 5km family fun run (the day before the marathon) booked
  • Violent Femmes tickets booked
  • I am trawling the web daily, trying to perfect the rest of our itinerary. I think we were really spoilt with what we saw in NYC, but are so keen to explore another big city! So far, we are keen to do some walking tours, a architecture boat cruise up the Chicago river, we’d kayak too, but those operations are now closed for the cold season, the Adler Planetarium, the museum of science, the field museum, there’s an art gallery I’m keen on, maybe navy pier? My daughter just wants to do some shopping for swimming stuff!

Hopefully I’ll get it sorted over the weekend – an on call one, with a long run required… ( I am so tired of training at the moment, please can I just go and run this thing now!)

Weekend Fun

…it was a jam packed weekend, and I have to say I am exhausted! Even though I tried to take it easy.

Friday night Thandi went to a birthday party. For the birthday girl who is super sporty, she was so excited that there was a night race at the local golf club, so she invited her friends, and they tackled 5km and then enjoyed burgers and cake afterwards. We stuck around and had a beer and a burger with the host parents – always a fun couple!

Saturday dawned cool and breezy. I’d had a tough week – I’ll expand on that later, so I wanted to bake – baking always seems to ease my soul, so I made a batch of uber delicious choc chip cookies for the family – best enjoyed warm, straight out of the oven with melt chocolate! Yum. Then I tackled a few chores. That evening we went to a function hosted by the local Rotary Anns – they are producing a recipe book, so wanted some recipes and some cooked dishes for photographs. It was such fun choosing recipes and preparing them. I made a lemony dijon mustard chicken and orzo pasta dish, an apple and avocado salad and a victorian sandwich cake. (fortunately I didn’t have to rename it the Victoria Beckham Sandwich, which would have been very thin!)

Sunday I was up early for my moderately long run – 18km, and then it was down to the beach for the first nippers session of season on the beach! It was really amazing to see so many new kids there. After that it was prize giving at the club – Thandi was a stand out performer – Best /12 female nipper overall, best /12 Stillwater female, best Stillwater female overall. My little champ!