Charlie's Bird

living the dream with Charlie and Thandi and chirping all the way back to the nest.

Archive for August, 2017

The thing is

…it’s just not easy at the moment. Salut is closed. My mouth is sore (I saw the dentist today and he’s not sure what is going on). My running is tough at the moment (I am putting in extra effort, but feel like I am not seeing any rewards). Work is stressful. I am tired. Bear with me, there will no doubt be a few indulgent posts (woe is me kind of stuff) to come as I try to figure out what is going on in my head and my heart; because nothing feels like it should at the moment.


…something I struggle with. I really wish I could emulate those people that get things done weeks in advance; minimise their stress. But right now I am struggling. Things seem to creep up on me and I am left stressed and floundering. Flip! The next 3 weeks before we depart for Scotland are going to be hectic! I still need to secure my Spanish Visa, but fortunately I am not too stressed about that. Our UK one arrived on Friday. Phew!

Thandi’s ballet show is this week, my princess is the cutest bunny ever! I am so impressed with her! She has coped well with her practices, and has even done a few practices at home. They are seriously cute! Their make up is being done by a face painter, and it is so super effective! As soon as I get the go ahead I will post a picture here.

My training is also ramping up in this month before the marathon. My running stats are not looking great, and I know I need a bit more time on my legs, so I am prioritising the running for now. I am tired though, so I can see a lot of caffeine in my future. I managed a 2 part  Kriel run yesterday (named for a friend who has this ability to get home, and then decide to head out again- crazy stuff!); so I ran 10 with a friend, then after breakfast, took Charlie and Thandi (on their bikes) and the dogs (on leashes with me) for a run down to the park – some play time, some fun, then it was the trek home. The Squiff dog was exhausted and almost had to be dragged. But on the whole a good experience for everyone! I was impressed with my endurance! Although this morning the legs were a bit tired and protested on the hills.

Busy times

…it just seems like the end of year crazies are getting here earlier and earlier. Yoh! It really does feel like I am starting the October/November sprint already. Or is it just me?

Poor Thandipants keeps wondering when I am going to be home to put her to bed. I keep wondering if I will ever have supper at home with my family again. This week has been and will be as follows:

  • Monday – we had an evening sale at Salut, with invited guests and friends
  • Tuesday – Charlie’s nephew’s 21st birthday dinner
  • Wednesday – hair and make up tutorial for Thandi’s dance show, 40th birthday dinner for a friend
  • Thursday – art class, OBGYN meeting, bookclub
  • Friday – I am not going to speak to anyone! I have a speech to finalise!

I am finished! And need to keep going. Bring on the caffeine IV drip!

Au revoir to Salut deli

And so the time has come to bid farewell to my little project. It’s been the best of times, it’s been the worst of times. I’ve loved the project; but am crushed that it has cost me so much of my savings. ​

HBD Charlie!

…so this weekend we celebrated Charlie’s 45th birthday; or as I liked to tease him; half way to 90! And when you put it that way, its a bit scary. Chances are good we have already lived half our lives! Really? Really? I know the whole Business Women’s Association awards thing kinda made me reassess things, but once again I am reminded that it really does go by in a flash; and I think we must always be clear on where we are going in life, be clear about our goals, because before you’ve realised it, it’s too late! Thanks for that reality check, my love!

The weekend felt jam packed! On Friday night Charlie, Thandi and I had a quiet dinner out to celebrate the birthday boy. That was nice and it was good to relax with a glass of wine after a really busy week. Saturday started with a fabulous run – pain free, I felt like I could run forever! Then it was onto the first birthday of a friend’s little girl, for whom I made that cake – so much fun to see such cute little people playing and having fun! Saturday afternoon I pottered in the kitchen – baking a cake for Charlie’s birthday celebration and prepped some gourmet boerie rolls for supper while watching the Springbok game.

Sunday started with another run. The polar opposite to Saturday’s run – the pace was fast, probably a little too fast for me, my legs were tired and after about 5 km the calves started to cramp up again – I struggled through 15km, but had tears along the way. I was soooo frustrated! I guess I will have to get some more dry needling done again! Aitog! Anyway, I dusted myself off and then prepared for Charlie’s lunch – a roast leg of lamb and all the trimmings – totally divine and indulgent! Followed by a cheese board and then a scrumptious apple and pear cake with a salted caramel drizzle. Yumyumyum!

And now it’s monday, and the diet must start again – just once I have had this slice of cake with my tea…

Filling my tank

…sometimes one really has to fill that up again. I’m trying, although it does feel a bit like I may have a hole in it; but I am trying. Between the crazies of work, and the injured running; I have been so frustrated! And so last night I took myself off to art class – it was amazing! This is my third lesson now – it’s a course in oil painting; and we our subject matter is succulents. I am really enjoying the challenge of  working in anew medium – I have dabbled in watercolors and acrylics, so this oil work is a very different approach, and I am loving the succulents. I will do a big reveal of the picture when it is done – I have taken a picture each week, watching the progress is remarkable. My homework is to prepare 2 other canvasses because we will start to tackle those next week.

Then, after my class was done, (and I’d done a quick caesar) I headed home to get stuck into some fondant work. A friend’s little girl is turning 1, and I have volunteered to make her a cake! I am going to do one of those giant cupcake cakes, and I made some flowers, a butterfly, a bee, a ladybird and a bird to pop onto the cake once I have iced it – love it! It’s a bit like playing with play dough. Such fun putting it all together, and I’m sure little NM will have a whale of a time with it!


…for my body that is! Nothing gossip-worthy here!

I saw my chiro this morning for some needling. OMFityF! Let’s put it this way; there were tears, it was all so sore; and actually it was a bit better this morning than it has been. Thank God he had been in London last week when my legs were really bad. McHottie worked some magic, laughed at how badly my muscles were spasming (not in a nasty way, in an OMG I can’t believe what I am seeing kinda way), and has now left me feeling really tender and bruised. Let’s hope that tomorrow I will feel a little better. Running needs to just keep ticking over in the background. 5 and a half weeks to the Loch Ness Marathon!

(Let it be said I am seriously looking forward to some warmer days – I am so tired of running in the cold! You are all welcome to remind me about this when I am moaning about how hot and humid it is in summer!)

Monday Morning

….HYPERTENSION! Flip! I really hope karma is a nasty traffic officer! I am so tired of people feeling entitled to break the law, turn left from a right turning lane! There is this one intersection on my way to work; and drivers really behave like complete and utter douches there. Turning from the wrong lane, they clog up the traffic even more; and then give me strange looks when I try to stick to the law and drive as the traffic laws dictate. As though their time is so much more important than mine and the 3 seconds they may save by performing an illegal turn are crucial to their day. Oy! A rather annoying start to my Monday!

In saying that – the weekend was insane. I was super super busy on Friday night and Saturday (work wise) and then, poor Thandipants started throwing up on Saturday night; so all in all – just revolting! She was ok the rest of yesterday, but threw up again at 4:30 this morning – poor chicken, and all she wanted to do was not vomit so she could go to school. I’ve let her go in, but she was looking a bit pale and washed out. Let’s hope she’s over the worst of it!

Ok, time to get this week going!

High School

…reunion! There is nothing that makes one feel old quite like your high school reunion – and its now 25years (!!!!!) since I matriculated. How is that possible? Really? I swear it was just the other day; but then again, it feels like for ages ago!

So last night was the Old Girls’ Guild dinner (yes, I was at a girls only school) at the local golf club, and that was quite fun! It was really nice to see a good few people out, and especially one girl who I have definitely not seen since school – life does take people away from you, so reconnections (if they happen) are special! There was lots of laughter as we reminisced. And it’s so nice to be free of all those teenage hangups we had! The dinner was ok, the formalities a bit cringe worthy, but the wine and laughter flowed!

Today is the Founders’ Day assembly that I can’t attend; but tonight is our class’s social function. No ceremony and speeches, no drama, just friends and catching up at a small local restaurant. It’ll be a bigger function tonight, some girls don’t really like the formality of last night’s function, so I suspect it’ll be more raucous. Just as well I am on call, so will have to behave! Nice!

(You can probably tell from this post that I actually loved school. By the time I finished I was ready to go, but I really did enjoy those years. Despite some bullying in early high school, despite awkward teenage years, I thrived!)

An injured runner

…is a rather revolting person…

Guys, I am struggling so much! From an amazing high last week to the depths of misery this week. Legs are still so tight I can hardly walk. I am doing as much as I can, but things seem to be stuck. I had to bail out of my run this morning; I am so frustrated! Not the happiest of chappies today!