Charlie's Bird

living the dream with Charlie and Thandi and chirping all the way back to the nest.

Archive for May, 2012

Speechless… is it possible that in this crazy, fucked up world I live in, the first patient I see this morning, wants a termination of her pregnancy…

Day 16

… and here I wait for the Lone Ranger to be brought back home. Come on littlest, please grow for momom! Today we have a 4 cell, grade 1 embryo which is just fabulous! Now let’s hope Thandi has worked her magic and sent some baby whispering to her sibling-to-be, telling them that this mom and dad are quite nice, the food is tasty, the bed comfy, they must come home too…

Day 15

…and the little one that thought it could, thought it could; is growing, is growing! We have fertilisation and will tranfer this little embryo back tomorrow! It is rather quick, a day 2 transfer, but the thinking is that the mother ship is better than the petri dish, so home to mama little embryo comes. I know the odds are stacked against us, but for now, I will indulge myself, and I choose to hope and believe. Thanks for the cheers!

Day 14

…and the news is guarded. Only 2 eggs were harvested, 1 was immature and abnormal, so the other has had been injected with a little swimmer, tomorrow we will hear if it is fertilized.

I am sitting here, dejected and sad… this is what it all comes down to. We are home, safe and sound, tomorrow I work, and if this little embryo begins to grow (please, please grow) we will head back to the neighbors on Wednesday, after I operate.

By the by, I had a wonderful birthday yesterday, and was thoroughly spoilt – thanks to everyone who made it awesome!

Day 12

…and the news is very guarded… the fab Dr DB is somewhat disappointed at my response; I have 2 big follicles, 1 smaller one and the cyst has filled up again; but still wants to proceed, because, given my endocrinopathy, there is no guarantee that next cycle would be any better. So tonight we trigger and tomorrow evening we travel to the neighbors for an egg retrieval on Monday. Say a prayer for us, please…

And she is ONE!

We have come a long way, People! I can hardly believe that in a year we have gone from this …

to this…

We had a great day with her, we visited the Lion Park, after an all clear from her paediatrician, lots of excitement at seeing the bnnies, chickens, roosters, and of course the lions – RAWR!

Then after a nap, there was a tea party in honor of this precious little person – there was a cake.

all for madam!

Yummy, mommy! And cupcakes, with decor from TAFKAD.

And macarons.

I have been overwhelmed all day, filled with love and so much joy, which she has brought to my life. I can hardly believe this is my life. She is awesome and fabulous and amazing and exasperating and real. She is mine. And growing fast!

And on the eve of a cycle-defining scan, I am slightly anxious, but at complete peace. Thandi Robyn, you have given me more than I ever dreamt I would have, thank you for being my girl. Momom loves you, now and forever…



Day 8

…and the news is guarded… The fab Dr DB said he’d ordinarily cancel the cycle with the response I am having, but since he cannot be sure I’d have any better response next month, we’ll continue. I have 3 follicles, which are smaller than they should be, but we will continue stimlating and see where we get to. If only…


Monday, monday… (or Day 7, if you prefer)

… Oh heavens above, not quite sure how I will get through this day. When you have 4 patients waiting to be seen by 08h15, and consultations only actually begin at 08h30, you know its going to be a busy one. When you got up for a delivery at 02h00, after 3 phone calls after you tried to go to sleep, you know it’s going to be a rough one. When your cold is showing no signs of hurrying up and leaving, you know its going to be a long one. These are the days of my life, people!

In the egg growing department, there seems to be some action, with some tweaks and groans and whinges from the ol’ ovaries. I’m just really hoping that it isn’t the cyst refilling with fluid… We’ll just have to see what tomorrow’s scan holds.

I also got some cooking mojo this weekend, after an inspiration from my garden. If life gives you granadilla’s……make granadilla curd, truely divine!!! Served with frsh scones – an absolute treat!

Day 5

… I have been so busy this cycle, what with work, driving to neighbouring towns, visitors, meetings… that I haven’t even really thought much about this cycle. I wish it didn’t have to be so, I wish, that like 85% of people I could just decide and plan and have it happen. Alas… At least I know I am in great hands with my team of doctors and all that, but there is this little toddler streak of stubbornness, where I want to squeal like Thandi, stamp my foot and annoy someone enough to get my own way. But I can’t undo the decisions of a very naive med student who had all that X-ray exposure… I might be heavy-hearted, because this isn’t a great thing to go through, but I am entering in willingly, with hope and optimism silvering the edges of the cloud, as I dream of another bouncer in my tummy, who could only bring more joy to Charlie, Thandi and I.

No rest

…for the wicked, clearly I am very wicked (when? I’m not sure, maybe a past life?), because man, it was busy yesterday! I had full rooms in the morning, 3 theatre cases booked, throw in a caesar and a normal delivery, it was busy, and then just to round out the punishment, I had to take a patient to theatre last night, at about 22h00, a quick case, bt nevertheless, I am very tired today. I have that tired headache even, slightly masked by sinus inflammation, and just feel weary. But adrenalin is an amazing hormone, I am coasting on it at the moment… Today is looking bearable at the rooms, but who knows what the day will bring, and I am on call, so there’s that to worry about at the back of my mind.

So The Aunty formerly known as Don (AFKAD) is in town, her mom turns 70 this weekend, so we are dining with her tonight, and tomorrow we celebrate the birthday. Yay for old friend catch ups! let’s hope work behaves!

And in other news, I am Day 4 today…