Charlie's Bird

living the dream with Charlie and Thandi and chirping all the way back to the nest.

Silently struggling

…to post at the moment. I’m sorry, it seems like writers block has struck me! My family are stunned that I have little to say (in fact they’re probably grateful). Argh! These lots going on – but it all sounds a bit monotonous – I’m running, not very well, but I’m running. Retail is killing my soul. OBGYNíng is too busy with no prospects of a partner. I have a pop up restaurant coming up on 30 January (yes, I am the chef), I have my annual Valentine’s dinner to plan. I have cool friends. Charlie is amazing and Thandi rocks!

(ok, so maybe I do actually have a bit to talk about – more coming up this week!)


  runnermum wrote @

Retail – I hear you. I’m so tired of spending money…
Running – yep – hamster in a wheel – obsessively checking km’s run to make sure I’m on track.
At is only the 3rd week of the year – I need a holiday!

  drhf wrote @

Heard this morning that today is oficially called blue monday, for a number of reasons. So everyone can moan abit today!

  MamaCat wrote @

You will get back in the groove. Life is made of cycles.
You remind me. I remember your last Valentine’s dinner and this year I am stealing the idea. It is such a lovely idea.

  nyamazela wrote @

I know what you mean, dear Birdie! I’m totes in a bit of a ‘block’… like you, I’m not entirely without words, but feeling the strain of coming up with something profound… maybe it’s the hormones 🙂

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